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Cyber GRC Ideas Portal

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Ability to relate controls to evidence requests created using Generate Auto Evidence Request as Yes

The current functionality when evidences are created using Generate Auto Evidence Request as YES the upload sheet does not allow the use to relate the tasks to be related to any GRC objects like control. The assigne receiving this auto generated t...
Guest over 1 year ago in IT and Cyber Compliance 0 Included in the Roadmap

Risk Assessment - Quantitative factors - Option to add multiple levels in a hierarchical factor

Risk Assessment - Quantitative factors - Option to add multiple levels in a hierarchical factor Customer wants to create a Hierarchical factor with 2 sub-levels where second level to identify the maximum value of a set of factors and 1st level is ...
Guest over 1 year ago in IT and Cyber Risk 3 Need more information

Ability to disable owner notifications when UCF data is imported into metricstream.

Expedia is looking for an option to disable the owner notifications in Create Library objects from Authority documents form. Currently they are receiving more than 4000 notifications when UCF data is imported into MetricStream.
Guest 11 months ago in IT and Cyber Compliance 0 Pending Roadmap Inclusion

Provide ability to define rules by which issues are created automatically

Qualys provides ability to define rules and algorithms based on which issues should be created off the Vulnerabilities. Once the user views the details of the threat and the vulnerabilities as of now they are required to click on the 'Create Issue...
Guest about 8 years ago in Threat & Vulnerability Management 3 Release Candidate Available

Enable copy paste functionality in Sample table of test execution page

Martktplaats B.V would like to be able to paste evidence into the sample table (in test execution page). This would allow them to fully use MetricStream to handle evidences. Currently, customer does this using the spreadsheet uploads. Other GRC so...
Guest almost 2 years ago in IT and Cyber Compliance 1 Pending Product Manager's Review

Auto create Evidence GRC Object when a Evidence is attached during a Control Self Assessment.

As per the current Solution, the User can relate the Evidence while performing a control test or self-assessment. AON has requested that Evidence be auto-created in the GRC Library when Evidence is attached ("Attach Evidence" attribute) during a C...
Guest 12 months ago in IT and Cyber Compliance 0 Need more information

option of adding test methodology at task level

initiator self assessment /test plan should have option of adding methodology at task level. Each task can have unique methodology Product Team: Can you provide more information? What are the methodologies and what should be the behavior for each ...
Guest about 1 year ago in IT and Cyber Compliance 1 Need more information

INHERENT/RESIDUAL RISKS BREAKDOWN BY CATEGORY - Risk Rating should be in sorted order

Users wants the risk Rating for the Inherent Risks/Residual Risks Breakdown by Category Report to be in logical order like : Report to be: Low, Moderate, High, and Very High. Currently, in the MSU system Sorting is applied in alphabetical order. P...
Guest about 1 year ago in IT and Cyber Risk 0 Pending Roadmap Inclusion

Update Help Text for Reports/Charts and Dashboard with proper details

Hi Team, In the current version i.e Eupharetes the help text does not have sufficient details to help customers understand the logic the report/dashboard/chart is based on and has to continuously depend on MetricStream to understand these. for Exa...
Guest over 1 year ago in IT and Cyber Compliance 1 Included in the Roadmap

Ability to View details of GRC objects imported and import status

Hi, Team, Currently, there is no ability for a user to view details of the UCF records that were imported and by which UCF content manager Due to this there is no trail for a Control owner to know who imported the controls on their behalf. Can we ...
Guest over 1 year ago in IT and Cyber Compliance 0 Pending Roadmap Inclusion