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Status Cannot be considered in the Roadmap
Created by Guest
Created on Feb 27, 2017

Saved data in Test Plan Form and Test Execution should be visible in all relevant data with new status as 'Saved'

Today the test plan and test execution form uses  platform save feature which stores the data in SI_User table instead of Master table as a result the saved data are visible only to the user and will be lost if someone make any update to the same form.  The requirement from Commercehub is that all saved data must be stored in the Master table and should be visible in reports with a status as 'Saved' so that they can monitor the progress of the saved data in real-time. 

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  • Bhavya Rajendra
    Mar 6, 2017

    Hi Krishna - Thanks for raising this idea and this could be a major change.  This ability needs to come from underlying module Self-assessments and testing  of IT-Compliance.

    Could you please raise this on Self-assessments and testing module.