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Cyber GRC Ideas Portal
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Created by Guest
Created on Feb 27, 2017

For MS(GRCF)-CMDB, integration Rule engine to implement Organization sepcific rules.

While fetching the GRCF data from CMDB using integration, a Rule engine can be implement  that will help us in configuring the Organization specific rules around assets(CIA values or other attributes).

For ex: Bank ABC have a requirement that all device from IP range "XXXX" to "YYYY" should have Confidentiality value high. because they contains customer's personal data.

So there should be a rule engine where we can apply these setting(on basis of common attributes) so that we don't have to change these values manually every time data is pulled up from CMDB.

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  • Bhavya Rajendra
    Mar 3, 2017

    Kuldeep - The details are not very clear. Can you please elaborate more.

    Do you mean to say the Rule Expression Wizard should have the option ?