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Cyber GRC Ideas Portal

IT and Cyber Compliance

Showing 16

Contextualize/ auto suggest possible controls to policies, risks, requirements to truly automate grc

We have UCF integration but the system should suggest mappings to GRC objects and aid users to add suggested requirements/risks/policies when they are creating their GRC program design in the set up stage…. We lack context…People want this level o...
Guest about 8 years ago in IT and Cyber Compliance 2 Cannot be considered in the Roadmap

summary dashboard for UCF content that is dynamic and allows to choose multiple regs, frameworks

we also need scorecard type views that are drill downable that shows results of testing/self assessments statuses to requirements that are met or not met.
Guest about 8 years ago in IT and Cyber Compliance 1 Cannot be considered in the Roadmap

Ability to view policy documents from PDMS under 'Contextual Information' within the the Test Execution form

We implemented this within CSIG NA where we have enhanced the report 'References (Mapping with GRC Content)' to pull in policy documents (inline and attached) as reference objects. This way we can test controls with respect to a policy. This is al...
Guest over 8 years ago in IT and Cyber Compliance 1 Cannot be considered in the Roadmap

PCI DSS 3.1 compliance solution.

The system should be packaged such that it offers a turnkey PCI DSS 3.1 compliance solution.
Deleted User over 8 years ago in IT and Cyber Compliance 0 Cannot be considered in the Roadmap

Support for IT Policy Compliance use cases.

Often there is a requirement to test a Policy by testing Controls related to that Policy.
Deleted User over 8 years ago in IT and Cyber Compliance 0 Cannot be considered in the Roadmap

Change the status to Overdue in the form and reports when task crossed the due date

When an open task crossed its due date, the status is showed as Overdue in the Self-Assessment Status chart and Self-Assessment Test Task Status report. But the status is showed as Open when we open the form for the overdue assignment. It is confu...
Guest over 4 years ago in IT and Cyber Compliance 2 Cannot be considered in the Roadmap