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Cyber GRC Ideas Portal

IT and Cyber Compliance

Showing 16

Default sources should be unlocked in extended forms

When some values are deactivated the data for existing form should be visible with old data. In Questionnaire form "Applies To" field has no Display infolet, if this is enabled for configuration it would help GS team to work themselves
Guest over 4 years ago in IT and Cyber Compliance 1 Cannot be considered in the Roadmap

The ability to mass re-assign in the case that someone leaves or changes responsibilities, etc.

The ability to mass re-assign in the case that someone leaves or changes responsibilities, etc.
Guest almost 8 years ago in IT and Cyber Compliance 1 Cannot be considered in the Roadmap

Ability to Copy IT Compliance Test Plan

Need ability to copy IT Compliance Test Plan with an option to change meta data of plan including details, testing scope, dates, attachments etc. before publishing the plan
Guest almost 8 years ago in IT and Cyber Compliance 1 Cannot be considered in the Roadmap

Test Execution Form -> Findings Tab- include related sub Items to show 'By Testing Related' Object

Findings tab needs to include 'Related Sub Items' in addition to 'Related Items' so as to enable the user to know exactly which related object failed while testing. Say if you are testing Assets by testing its related controls, you should be able ...
Guest almost 8 years ago in IT and Cyber Compliance 1 Cannot be considered in the Roadmap

Ability to reopen control testing task and assign it back to tester/approver

We need ability to reopen control testing task and assign it to tester or approver based on system parameter
Guest almost 8 years ago in IT and Cyber Compliance 1 Cannot be considered in the Roadmap

Saved data in Test Plan Form and Test Execution should be visible in all relevant data with new status as 'Saved'

Today the test plan and test execution form uses platform save feature which stores the data in SI_User table instead of Master table as a result the saved data are visible only to the user and will be lost if someone make any update to the same f...
Guest almost 8 years ago in IT and Cyber Compliance 1 Cannot be considered in the Roadmap

Need to have additional dashboard Test Results By Plan and Assignment Status by test plan

It is good to have additional dashboard for IT Compliance Module Test Results By Plan and Assignment Status by Test Plan
Guest almost 8 years ago in IT and Cyber Compliance 1 Cannot be considered in the Roadmap

Ability to attach questions at issue level

While performing the testing, tester should be able to create issues for each failed questions and link failed question to the issues created. The findings tab should have a new field, 'Questions' which allow the user to select the question which ...
Guest almost 8 years ago in IT and Cyber Compliance 1 Cannot be considered in the Roadmap

scorecard generation based on self assessments/test results across BUs in the form of reports

customers buy us for reporting. They have to look smart in front of senior management, efficient and slick reporting makes their life easy and makes them look smart in front of their bosses. IT compliance reports are not very intuitive, but they c...
Guest over 8 years ago in IT and Cyber Compliance 1 Cannot be considered in the Roadmap

Need ability to turn off/on any fields on the control test plan form

Need ability to turn off/on any fields on the control test plan form
Guest over 8 years ago in IT and Cyber Compliance 1 Cannot be considered in the Roadmap